If your family is facing serious illness, you may feel frightened or confused.
But as you are struggling with a new reality, hospice care means that you are never alone. We are here to help you and your family find clarity, comfort and peace on your journey. When a loved one is very ill, many families want to express meaningful feelings and to say goodbye when the time comes, but may not know how to. Our counselors are here to help your family leave a legacy of lasting memories that provide closure and comfort.

Emotional support
Our clinical social workers offer emotional support for your family, helping you through the challenges of serious illness and connecting you to community resources. Whether your family members live locally or are long-distance caregivers, our social workers bring your family together, help you communicate feelings and concerns and provide reconciliation. This may include reuniting estranged family members or helping someone write a letter to communicate feelings that he or she has not expressed.
Our social workers also offer assistance in so many practical ways, providing assistance with advance directives, living wills and healthcare surrogate information. Additionally, they are here to help you navigate complex billing systems and connect you with essential community resources.

Spiritual support
Spiritual needs may become important if you and your loved ones are coping with serious illness. Each family has a unique set of needs and the possibilities for personal growth and closure during the final months of a loved one's life. The ordained ministers and rabbis who serve as our hospice chaplains help people of all traditions and levels of belief find meaning as they review their lives. Whether you just want someone to talk to without judgment, or you find comfort in religious rituals, prayers and music, our chaplains can offer enormous comfort at this deeply meaningful time.