Caring for a very ill loved one may be the most challenging experience of your life. However, It can also be the most meaningful and personally rewarding. Similarly, your time, loving compassion and very presence are gifts beyond measure to your loved one. It is your devotion and love that make all our care effective. Above all, your “heart” combined with our “art” is a powerful combination.
Help with Caregiving Tasks
We can lift an enormous number of caregiving challenges off your shoulders so you can enjoy life’s moments as a family, such as: providing equipment to help a bedridden patient get into a wheelchair, offering assistance with bathing, and delivering medications, equipment and supplies.
Caregiver Education & Training
We will provide hands-on training and 24-hour support so you can meet your loved one’s changing needs. We will educate you so you will understand what is happening and know what to anticipate.
Respite Care
During times when you need additional support or relief from caregiving duties, we can arrange a short stay for your loved one in a local care facility.
Emotional support
If you feel sad, tired or overwhelmed with your caregiving responsibilities, you can count on our staff for counseling, respite support or advice.